Sunday, July 09, 2006

yo ho ho and a.....

margarita!! Hee hee so Tim and I enjoyed our "night out". We started at church which was wonderful to be able to concentrate on the message and of course getting to sleep in today wasn't to shabby either. Anyway, then we headed to dinner.. to the Roadhouse and I had a yummy Watermelon margarita... they are the best there. Tim had a regular margarita. We ran into at least 10 people we know at dinner which is just crazy. After each person stopped, chatted and walked away I thought.. gosh we have been here tooooo long. :) Really they were mostly military folks anyway. So, after dinner we headed to the mall for tickets to see Pirates of the Carribean ( not by choice but the sacrifices we make for love). It is a good thing we did because it was selling out. The few previous shows were sold out... I was shocked I had never seen a movie sold out in Cheyenne before. Bear in mind though.. I do not really get out all that much. Anyway, we did get tickets...but unfortunatly had to sit in the 2nd row of the theatre. I thought the film was okay. But before anyone takes my opinion into ANY kind of account.. I was never able to stay awake for the first I didn't have a really good basis. The girl next to me slept the entire time.. I did not catch one wink... there was lots of action. Not too bad... not my speed...but I am an old fashioned chick flick fan myself... :)

So that is the excitement. We headed home and today we mostly lounged. We did get out a bit to "scout" some hunting places for Tim and drive into Laramie... not so exciting here. Mostly a rainy yucky weekend..maybe next weekend will be more to tell.

Take care all.... thanks for checking in on us....

1 comment:

Keelee said...

Happy Anniversary! Glad you guys got to have a great night!