Thursday, July 20, 2006

It worked!!!

So I am in the shower....trying to enjoy the 5 minutes a day of "me time" and in busts Tanner. "Mom Evan took a toy right out of my hand" So of course as he is telling me the story...Tanner does not talk fast...."then what happened was..... I was playing with a toy...then what happened was..." Anyway ofcourse in this time Evan has arrived in the bathroom and is standing at the end of the tub looking in ...and giving me the business... I swear I needed a camera to see his little face. Of course I asked Tanner if this can wait until after my shower and if he can get his brother out of the bathroom... "he won't come!" So Tanner decides to get his harmonica and start playing.... and Evan follows him out of the bathroom and down the hall...all I hear..."It worked Mom! It worked! " Okay I had to laugh...and I pictured the Pied Piper. I don't know what would make him think of a harmonica but it was too funnny!


Keelee said...

Were you naked the entire time?? That's funny!!

Kim and Matt said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA You crack me up!!! You need a break :)

Sam said...

I don't know what's funnier, you're story or Keelee's question! I almost peed myself laughing at both.