Friday, July 21, 2006

the book and the movie

Well I went to see the Devil wears Prada last night. I was 50 pages from the end of the book when Kim and her friend Debbie came to pick me up. I was anxious to see it...eventhough I had heard it didn't follow the book. Well it was really NOTHING like the book. But both were good in thier own right. I prefered the book of course. And of course rushed home to try and see if the ending was even similar. Not at all. I thought it was amusing that the author even uses the name of the real person that the story is based on in the book; Anna Wintour editor of Vogue. Pretty gutsy! A great story either way.... but why change the boyfriends name and even who he is??? I didn't really get that at all.

But you have to see it on the big screen to see the clothes....amazing!!!

Anyway that is today's exciting post! :)


Kim and Matt said...

We'll have to chat later about how the book ended :)

liz said...

I'm jealous, you got out to see a movie! I'm going out with a friend this week, we're still trying to decide what to see. So many movies so little time.