Sunday, July 30, 2006

CFD'd out!!

Thank the good Lord that CFD is over. I think we have had our fill. Tim and I went to Trace Adkins/ Montogomery Gentry on Friday night and had a fantastic time!!! Then on Saturday morning ( we missed the parade) we heaed to back to Frontier Park for the rodeo. We met up with Uncle Jack, Aunt Heidi, Alec, Spencer and Quinn ( thanks for the tickets). It was so great to get to hang out with them. You can see the pic of the boys (L-R Alec, Quinn, Spencer) We also went on the midway and played games and went on rides with them. It was HOT!! But we had a blast!! In the booth during the rodeo Tanner got to meet some real cowboys and of course even the visiting rodeo queens ( see him pictured with Ms. Rodeo Alabama and Ms. Rodeo Oklahoma) Tanner also rode the rollercoaster with Aunt Heidi in the FRONT seat! After the great time at the park, we headed to say Goodbye to the Durelia's. We will definatly miss Major D and Shiela they hosted thier own party and it was ablast as usual. We all were up late so today we will veg and try to stay cool.

Thanks for checking in on us! Until next year CFD... :)

Tammi and the boys!


Kim and Matt said...

You and Tim look so cute!! (sorry Tim, I mean, handsome) :)

Sally Y said...

Boy, that's one busy frontier days! I bet you're all exhausted!