Thursday, September 28, 2006

thank you thank you!!!

Look what the boys got in the mail!!! How AWESOME!! A Big Thank you to Sam, Brian and Nolan for sending this super fun gift!! They are having a blast with it as you can see from the pics. What a great idea! Thank you again so much for thinking of them.

You know this made me think of something I heard some one mention at my last church meeting. A mother with grown children who has 4 boys said that every year after Christmas Eve mass Santa would bring a "sharing gift to the boys". They would get the gift with a letter from Santa explaining that they had to share it with thier brothers. I thought that this was such an adorable idea and I told her that I would be stealing it. It is great for big gifts that they can both get lots of use out of and even better play together.

Sorry the blog was pretty slacking this week. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. The temporary job that I am working ends tomorrow but I do have an interview for another temporary job tomorrow as well ( that would start on Monday). I also recieved a call from someone about a "real job" and I should have an interview next week for that. So, someday I will have a job and hopefully access to my blog....hum maybe I should start asking that in the interviews.

Okay off to hang with the hubby a bit...he had a SUPER LONG day at work and just got home...poor guy!

Thanks for checking in on us...

Tammi and the boys


Sam said...

I'm so glad they like it, I was hoping they didn't have one already! :) Miss you guys LOTS LOTS LOTS! Give the boys extra snuggles for me, k?

Sally Y said...

Can you tell me what that is? I've never seen one before!

Sam said...

Sally, it's a tunnel that they can crawl through and roll around in. That way they'll hopefully exert lots of energy and sleep ALL night really good, hee hee!

Sally Y said...