Monday, September 18, 2006

I need a shirt to match

I need a shirt to match the boys because apparently I am doing my own stunts as well.
Here is a shot of my owie. I fell in the parking lot between church and CCD yesterday. I twisted my ankle in a ditch but the biggest affect is my knee. It mostly stinks because it is a bendable part and when it bends it rips open the scabs. Well I thought you all would get a chuckle out of my owie. The best part was Tanner told his CCD teacher..." my mom fell and her knee was bleeding and she threw my brother in the air". Well he made it sound like I threw Evan in anger when actually Evan went up and came down with me ( I was carrying Evan) . He was fine. He kind of looked at me like....hey why did ya do that? But all in all he was okay... no worse for the wear and no owie's at all.

Well that is my story du jour.

Thanks for checking on us...

Tammi and the boys.



Sam said...

Oh my, your poor knee! I had to laugh when I read what Tanner said. Love Tanner stories! I am sure when Evan starts talking it will be twice the fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Hope your knee is doing better Tam the boys looks so cute.