Sunday, September 17, 2006

Real update...

Well the truth is... I am working. Not a "real" job but a temporay job and I am loving waking up and getting dressed and interacting with adults everyday. So, that is why my blog has been slacking. Can you believe the company that I am working for has the nerve to block my blog??? "How sad somebody!!" I am hopeful that soon a real job will come through so that I can keep working. The kids are doing great with it. Tanner absolutely LOVES school. Anyway I will keep everyone posted on if I can find a real job and keep working.

In other news, I am also teaching CCD to the kindergartener's and it is a blast as well. Tanner is in CCD for the first time this year ( Pre-K) and his teachers say he is doing great. He is loving practicing his prayers. This is too funny though...he calls the Hail Mary.."the one with the fruit" and the Glory be ..the one about Shelby from my school ( because it is says " as it was in the beginning is not and every Shall be "( shelby)) Well he surely keeps us laughing.

Today Tim and Uncle Matt went down to Denver to watch the Broncos play and win over the Kansas City Chiefs...he said the seats were AWESOME! The boys and I headed to Billie's after church and watched the Eagles LOOSE to the darn!! Well the meatballs were yummy and the company is always great. Nice to have an Eagles group in this sea of Broncos fans.

Friday was Tim's last day of a 2 week leave and he and Tanner had a great day together. They went to breakfast, lunch, got haircuts and went to see a movie together....I think it was called "Everyone's Hero". Tim said it was cute. Tanner said that he was "skipping school" Apparently he heard that term on one of the shows on the Disney channel... we had to laugh and of course explain to him that he is not skipping school if he spends the day with us.

Okay well I know words on the blog are not well recieved so that is all I have for now... I will try to be better about updating... I promise.... and see below for a video and some pics I finally posted.

Thanks for checking in on us.

Much love,
Tammi and the boys!

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