Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A new place to hang out hats!

Our new neighbors!! Yes to those that are not from around here.. we have LOTS of antelope on base. And they are pretty smart antelope too! First of all their numbers increase during hunting season. They also have the right away in all situations! So we will be living with them up close and personal in a few weeks.

This is not our particular home but you get the idea. I will get some pics of our new pad in the next couple of weeks. I am so excited to be able to reside in one of these historic homes and I will be sure to pass photos along via the blog.

As always our door is always open to family and friends... we would love to have you for a visit. I will be getting new address cards out as soon as we are settled and moved.. should be before Turkey day we are hoping!

Have a great day! I am sorry that the updates have been slow coming this week.

The weather is great but word is a blizzard is rolling in... I will keep ya posted!

Thanks for checking in on us...

Tammi and the boys.


Sally Y said...

WAHOOO! Congrats! How exciting. Now you get to live in a haunted house!

Sam said...

I can't wait to see pics!