Sunday, October 09, 2005


Well, Tim came home 2 days early from hunting and shocked us tonight when he walked in the door a bit after 8:00 pm. Keelee was over and her and the boys and I had went to Hooters for dinner. I was shocked as I had no reason to expect him. He was pretty exhausted and already crashed for the night. I have to say that I kinda feel bad for him....everytime my hubby plans a happens. Last September he planned a fishing trip to the Gulf coast of florida with his ended up just them running from Hurrican Ivan. I guess a lot is to be said for the memories and sometimes the trips that didn't turn out have the best of those.

WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BIRDS???? I did not get to watch the game... maybe I was better off from looking at the score. But it was a bad day for my Philadelphia Eagles that is for Tanner would say " How sad somebody!"

I believe that Tim's team eaked it out at the end....I am scared about this family when the Eagles play the Broncos in a few weeks...that will be a bad day in this house... :)!!!

Okay well I just went out and bought the new Jennifer Weiner book..."Goodnight Nobody" I just LOVE her books so I am sure that it will not disappoint.

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