Saturday, October 15, 2005


Tanner's 3rd birthday was a hit! I think the kids had a blast! We were joined by Diego, Rio, Marcus, Trenton, Jack and of course Avery. He also was lucky enough to have Sam and Brian, Kim and Matt and Keelee come for the festivities. The kids played in the indoor playground and when it came to presents it seemed more like christmas. We can not thank everyone enough... we are all so blessed.

The pictures are with our new digital camera we just got today ( Mom's present). I think it was about time as our camera is a bit old...and about as extinct as the dinosuars! I am going to throw a few more pics on here.

Tomorrow we are off to the fun that should be!!

Tanner, Jack and Diego off to put out a fire......

Ut oh Evan is yelling for me...more in a bit.

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