Friday, October 14, 2005


I do not have many pics of my mom young and I love this one...just thought I would share. I have been pretty nostalgic for my momma here lately. I think something about having small children really makes you miss your mom. I miss that relationship I am sure that if she were alive today we would be so much closer now with having the boys. I just think how wonderful it would be to have that person to talk to and to ask questions of about babies and all that goes with being a mom. As far as that goes she was the best of the best a truly amazing woman and I don't think I ever give her the credit that she deserves. I hope that I can be 1/2 the mother she was to my own boys. Thinking about it all now makes me realize how much of an influence she is on them because of the influence that she was on me. I feel blessed to have had her as a mother even if it was for too short of a time.

Maybe it is something in the air, the time of year, the just had a baby horomones I am not sure what but I have been thinking very seriously about home and family. I am pretty good about this military spouse thing but lately I have been thinking that there is something to be said for being with those you love and love you back. I know how blessed I have been with my amazing husband, I could never ask for better. It sure would be nice if we had extended family around...for the boys to go fishing with thier cousins and such.... I am sure this too shall pass. I mean with Tim only having 12 years until retirement and then "getting paid to breathe" as they say ...seems kinda silly not to stick it out over this hump.

Okay better get some work done. My computer was down so I had a minute.

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