Monday, June 19, 2006

Happy Daddy's Day!

"King Daddy and Tanner releasing Nemo into his new tank

Tanner watching Nemo get acclimated to the larger swimming area

Evan trying to check out a nearly complete tank while Tim adds a few finishing touches

Well we had a nice day! Tim was crowned "king of the castle" so of course I had to get a shot of him wearing his crown. One of my garage sale finds yesterday was this aquarium ( 29 gal) for only $10. So after church we worked on getting it all set up and getting Nemo ( Tanner's goldfish that he recieved for his 2nd birthday) a new home and some new friends. In the last picture you can see Evan trying to check out the tank. I will take some more finished product pictures later. But it really has come together as a nice tank. Hopefully, Nemo will stop trying to make the shrimp a meal...

Well thanks to my wonderful husband for being the best daddy and hubby in the world! He made us a delicious meal and we dined on the deck with Uncle Matt.


Kim and Matt said...

How does Nemo like his new home?? How cute! Did you guys stop by our neighborhood on Saturday? Apparently they were doing a neighborhood garage sale.
P.S. Hail King Daddy! haha

momto2boys said...

that is where Nemo's new home was purchased....right in your neighborhood.