Sunday, May 28, 2006


Here are some pics of our camping adventures this weekend...

Sorry I am not in any of them... I am always behind the camera... I have been trying to get Tim to take more pics of me but I realized that I didn't this weekend..

We went to Crystal was gorgeous... windy Sat night though...

Tanner and Tim's fishing spot day one...right down from the camper.

Tanner jumping up and down....

Tanner "dancing" with Ms Beth.

Daddy cooking up the fish that he caught day 2 ( 5 fish...go Daddy)

Daddy and Evan "hanging out"...

Tanner is the only one who caught fish day 1... 2 fish! And we ate them! Even Tanner ate them. I was suprised!

Well, we were pleased to Sam and Beth join us Sat night for food and bs'ing around the campfire. We had a good time... but it is always nice to be home and take a REAL shower!


Well we are back from the first camping trip of the year... I am sure there are more to come.

1 comment:

Bethalow said...

You came back early! Had a lot of fun with you guys- can't wait until the next time...