Wednesday, May 24, 2006

beautiful day!!

It is a beautiful day in Cheyenne. The boys and I picked up daddy for lunch ( Snake River) and then we came home and hung out on the deck a bit... :) What a nice day today is!!

As you can see Evan is ready to take over the grilling ....:)

Okay it is hard to take pics of me and the boys...but I did my best.. and Tanner is eating chocolate ice cream... as you can tell my the stash... :)


Sam said...

So cute! Looks like you guys had a blast. Can you believe I am envious? The weather here is gorgeous but we are so hell bent on getting unpacked and settled before we can REALLY enjoy it. H/W, Bri did get some pool chemicals and is hinting that we may take a dip this weekend.
Anyway, very cute pics!! Miss you, have a great weekend camping :)

liz said...

Hey Miss, Evan's doing great on his feet, what walker/push toy do you use for him? I'm trying to find a good one for Austin. Great posts, you all look great.