Friday, March 24, 2006

walk at Grandma's

Well we decided to take a walk while at Grandma's. There was lots of wind and blowing we didn't get too far as it was a bit cold for the kids. So, Grandpa picked us up in the Yukon and we headed to the lake to feed the ducks and geese..

Here is us all geared up before we left....

Interview today..... ug! I am actually a bit nervous I think......... cause I soooooooooooo want this job!!!

:) Posted by Picasa


Bethalow said...

Tammi- you are going todo awesome!!!! yeah!!!

momto2boys said...

Thanks... I have just been out of it for so is hard to think I would be in the running ya know?

When are you coming home?

Sally Y said...

Good Luck!