Monday, March 06, 2006

happy Belated Birthday to Kim!!

Here is a picture of my good friend Kim ( holding her beautiful daughter Avery Grace) Her birthday was yesterday and I totally knew it...but blew it! I am soooooo sorry Kim!! I want to take this time to tell you that I appreciate your friendship. You are the most sincere and all around sweetest person that I have the pleasure to know. I hope that you enjoyed your special day with your family.

Yesterday was also my mother's birthday... if she were still alive she would have been 80 years old ( hard to believe). There isn't a day raising these boys that I don't earn a new respect for her and miss her more and more. In my heart I know she is up above and still guiding me through this journey we call life... and that one day we will walk together again. Love you Mom!

I got this adorable email from my brother Jimmy... he is new to the whole world of computers. The email subject was Mom's birthday and this is what it said:

Hi Tammi just wanted to remind you what today was. I miss her. She was right when she said "When you loose your Mom you loose your best friend" You remind me of her in so many ways. Love Jimmy XO.

How cute is that???? Love you brother.... or should I say BIG cheese ( he does check the blog sometimes)
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Kim and Matt said...

Thanks, Tammi! You are so sweet :) I'm sure your mom is smiling down from Heaven because she is so proud of all you have accomplished! You're a wonderful mom!!

Sam said...

Ditto what Kim said. I have tears in my eyes.