Thursday, March 16, 2006

Fast car wash

Well, this picture is of my door and I think it was the best angle to see the crease in the fender. I took my car to Fast car washt o be washed yesterday. Well, it was windy and when they had the car int he back..apparently the door "sprung" ( went all the way back the other way). I was totally calm and non-confrontational about it ( as is my nature) and I think they expected me to just say okay and walk away... not so much. Well, I asked her ( the owners wife) what we do about this...and she went off! She said" Well, I guess this is just your lucky day... the wind happened to your car and now it is my fault!" In the end they sent me to an autobody shop for it to be repaired...but the guy is saying the fender is too much work to repair. I am so mad about this.... mostly because I never stand up for myself in situations like this too. It is just a mess and the biggest thing I think is that they were so rude and mean ( typical Cheyenne). They had ABSOLUTELY no sympathy not ever even said they were sorry at all. So, they will fix my car but of course I will never go there again and I intend to tell everyone I know the same. You know we went there constantly with all 3 vehicles too. Anyway, FYI there are 2 in town and I would not take your chances......

We are gearing up for our trip to the inlaws not sure if I will be able to blog from there or not!

Better get to packing! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Keelee said...

To THINK you extended here...and have to deal with the Bulls#*t service Cheyenne offers!