Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cowboy turkey

Tanner had a school project where he had to hide Tom Turkey so he could avoid being eaten for Thanksgiving dinner. We dressed him as a cowboy.

When I told Tanner that I wanted to take a picture of the Turkey we made Evan said " I better get in the picture because I am cute!" ( And humble huh? )

Tanner insisted that he could not be a cowboy without a horse...
Anyway, I have some catching up to do. We went to the children's museum last weekend and it was a blast!!
Thanks for stoppin' in!
More soon!
Much love,
Tammi and the boys

1 comment:

Sam said...

How would you get an idea like a cowboy? It's not like you lived in cowboy country for 6 years! ;) Very cute, the turkey, but especially the boys!