Monday, May 07, 2007

how sad somebody!!

Well the slogan has been passed along!! All of a sudden I hear Evan saying the infamous phrase..."How sad somebody!" Hee hee. Well on friday Tim took the day to spend with Tanner. They started on the boat fishing but got snowed out...yes you read that right...SNOWED out! So, they went to watch Spiderman 3 the movie. Tim and I headed down to see our friends in C Springs. We were there from Saturday afternoon to Sunday. It was so great to see everyone and catch up a bit.

Back to the grind!


Kim and Matt said...

Hilarious!!!! They are just too cute! I can't believe how much Evan is talking. :) Good times...thanks for posting!!

Mom Mc said...

That clip is so funny! That really gives us a chance to see the kids in action. Tanner's phrase IS infamous. I've used it a time or two myself. I wish my son would get his butt in gear and get what ever whach-a-ma-call-it he needs to put Nolans videos up. Love, Nolan's Grandma

liz said...

My goodness, I can't get over how much Evan and Austin are alike! I know, i wish they could play too! Miss you guys.

Sam said...

This is the funniest video! They are soo cute!!! Nolan was rolling when I showed him this clip and was answering the animal noises!