Friday, August 08, 2008

Redneck weekend!

While we always have fun even I will say last weekend was a bit redneck! First of all we spent another friday night at the races...Evan in his total GLORY!!! Then on Sat morning we got up and went yard salin' ! Don't laugh it is a great way to learn an area and check a place out... and look at this train set Tim purchased for $1... can't beat that price!!

We are off to Cincinatti tonight to catch a Reds game. I will try to post some more pictures soon.

Can only get a cheese that big when there are cars involved!
Big brother!
Race cars
bigger and faster race cars
silly Evan
Still being silly
all three of them... took a lot of shots to get this
Playing with the $1 train set! It even works!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Much love to all!
Tammi and the boys!


Sam said...

Ahh, I can still remember the Hall wake up call at 7 am in Cheyenne to yard sale. I thought you were out of your minds (to be up so early), but now it's my weekly ritual. Up at 6, on the road to yard sales by 6:45...pretty much one of the highlights of my week! :) The train set is awesome!

The Vrabecs said...

The $1 train set is a deal! If you want a truly redneck weekend though I think its time for a trip to Crestucky! :)