Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another example...

Okay so here was yesterday's emsemble.... I think it is the crocs that make it all work... a cowboy hat and crocs... I need to throw these shoes away when he is not looking... :)

The hat was added after they decided to clean the basement. Yes the boys cleaned all of their toys in the basement up.. why? Well because Tim started a new star chart. You recieve stars for certain behavior and at the end of the week you earn .25 cents per star. It is only been 3 days but it seems to be working good so far. Tanner especially gets the whole idea and that extra stuff not expected earns you bonus stars!! ( like cleaning the toys in the basement)
In other EXCITING NEWS!!!!
Tim and I are headed to see John McCain speak on Friday. We are so excited as he is expected to announce his VP canidate here in Dayton Ohio!! We got some tickets and he will be right by our house. I think it will be a great experience. I will of course try to take some pics for the blog.
Okay kids are too to run!!
Much love to all!
Tammi and the boys!


KIM said...

He must have got his fashion sense from Col. Spath! He always wears crocs and a cowboy hat! I say let him wear what he wants....he is a cutie!

The Vrabecs said...

I have to agree, he is a cutie no matter what he has on! When my brother was little he wore a batman costume for 6 months straight so it could be worse!! Have fun at the John McCain speech :)