Saturday, August 30, 2008

The rally

Tim and I by the bus
Tim--waiting in line
This will take 2 coffees
we were really close but still hard to get good pics...
There he is...
Well it has been too long since I have been to a political rally. I was much more politically active in my college days. So, I thought it was important to get some tickets and see what John McCain had to say. We waited and we waited... but eventually we got to see John McCain speak and also announce his running mate Sarah Palin. I have to say we have been doing lots of research and I am super excited about his " out of the box choice" Well, my blog is not about politics it is just about our adventures and this was one. Tim and I laughed that we got a sitter for this... we must be getting old. If the wait wasn't so many hours and the boys were a bit older I would love to bring them to events like this in the future. We have the greatest country in the world and the decisions that we make not only effect us and our country but they effect the ENTIRE world. So, as long as people are voting we are doing our part. I am so excited how much my vote counts in this battleground state I now call home. I can assure all of my blog readers I will be doing my part... I have been reading and watching and trying to learn as much as I can about the 4 people who want to run our country. I cannot wait for the debates!!!! But in the mean time I will keep my politics on the blog to a minimum.
Thanks for popping in on us... and there will be more pics and adventures of the boys to come.!
Much love to all!
Tammi and the boys!

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