Monday, August 25, 2008

Kindergarten open house

It is true... we had an open house tonight for Tanner's school! My baby is going to KINDERGARTEN!! I just cannot beleive it!! We met his teacher and saw his school. He is soooo excited!!! Mom is overwhelmed.. and well quite frankly a bit weepy!

But I know this will be an amazing thing and I know how much school really changes your life. We are so excited for all the adventures that he is about to embark on.

I will try to update more soon. We have some big firsts about to happen.

Thanks for stopping by.

Thanks again for all of the cards, notes, emails, flowers,calls etc. I cannot tell you how my soul has been warmed by all of the love and support we have. We always knew that we were blessed with amazing family and friends but it is is the darkest times that this outpouring of love and support truly changes your life.

((( BIG HUGS ))) to all!!

Tammi and the boys!

1 comment:

Sam said...

Wow, I can't believe little man is starting Kindergarten!!! Holy smokes!!!