Monday, June 02, 2008

Day 3

Smiling...or trying to
UG...not feeling so good...
We both are feeling pretty yucky here..
The kids on the dock before we left
Tim with his catch
Tim and the boys and his catch
The boys met the captain and drove the boat
The boys smiling...
The boys on the way out to sea

Well on Day 3... Tim decided to take Jimmy and Tanner on a boat fishing trip. The boys got a bit seasick... but all in all I think they enjoyed the trip. Tim caught the biggest fish and won the pool. Tanner and Jimmy each caught a fish so that was good for them. Gabbi and Evan and I hung out on the boardwalk, went to the aquarium, played some boardwalk games, shopped a bit. We had fun too! Of course Tim had taken the camera on the boat trip with him. So after we picked the boys up...we went out to a nice seafood dinner... well that was what Tim and I had anyway.. :) And then we hit the boardwalk for the last night of games, treats and rides....

Okay ride pictures next post... I need a break from blogging for a minute!
Love to all!!
Tammi and the boys!


Keelee said...

Im back.... so many things to do with the blog since I have been gone...

Sam said...

I'm loving all the pics!! I can't believe how "grown up" aka, big boy Tanner looks. What a beautiful family!!!!!