Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Campground and visits...

Jimbo at the new camp
All set up
Brapp settling in
Visit to Uncle Bobby and Aunt Kathy
Donna and Mark came up for dinner and brought an "Entman's cake" for dessert.

Well we headed home on Tuesday and we found a new place to set down some roots. It was a cute campground not far from where I grew up. We got to visit with Uncle Bobby and Aunt Kathy, Donna and Mark, Aunt Shirl and Aunt Janet, and Sherry and Scott, Uncle Lardy, Aunt Joan, Nancy and Tom and Brandon, Jenn Snead and her beautiful girls we missed seeing a lot of people and I didn't take near enough pictures of everyone but it was fantastic to catch up! I am glad that my boys were able to spend time with everyone.

We hope to see you all again soon!!

Much love!

Tammi and the boys!


Kim and Matt said...

Camping in the summer! Brings back memories of my childhood. So glad you got so see so many people in your family.

Sally Y said...

You have TV going in the background? Now, that's my kind of campin!!! ;)

Bengela said...

Wow--I should have read your blog before we hung out today--it would have been great prep material for me!