Monday, October 08, 2007

and the other one...

So, I am doing laundry and Evan comes in with just a diaper and Tanner's "light up shoes" on the wrong feet. He had come to tell me that he wants a pair of light up shoes "like Nanner" . How can you argue that point?? So, of course I snapped some pics and a video to share with all of you....


Much love,

Tammi and the boys


KIM said...

Love the video's!

Sam said...

He looks so much more like a big boy than a toddler...even since June! Adorable! I like when he said Daddy's in there (camera)...ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh that is the cutest thing ever! i love your kids! :)

Kim and Matt said...

He's so darn cute! How can you argue with that face?? :) Good luck with the light up shoes quest Ov!!