Thursday, November 30, 2006

The newest arrival

Proud daddy and baby Raegan
Baby Raegan

Yes we have another beautiful baby in the "family" . The airforce family that is! Welcome to the world Reagan Audrey Daane. Proud parents are Sam and Beth. She is gorgeous from the pictures and I cannot wait to "meet" her. She was born on November 27th. Congratulations again and if you need anything don't hesitate to let us know. Love to all!!

Tammi and the boys!

Remember me???

I know I know.. I have been on a hiatus! We have been so swamped here. Between moving to a new house, and me starting a new job. We also had the holidays and a family visit in there... so much has happened here are some turkey day pics. We were blessed this Thanksgiving as always to be surrounded by family and friends.

The tables before we ate

A whole group of folks eating the grub!

The kiddos( even thier plates were full)

Matt, Kim, Joel and Kelly

Abbey, Tanner and Billie

The attack of the food table..

Well that was turkey day.. next post in a second!

Love to all,

Tammi and the boys

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Surviving without mommy

Well I just recieved this picture from Tim. I have been in Denver for the week for training for a new job. I am sooooooo ready to get home tomorrow and snuggle my boys. It is taking every ounce of my being not to hop in the car right now. I am soo proud of what a great job my hubby has done of running everything while I am away. Poor Evan is getting 4 molars in ( Tim took him to the Dr's for grumpiness and a cough). But it appears they all survived a week without me. BUT I won't be doing this again very soon.

By the way this picture above denotes Evan's new favorite thing...feeding Brapp ( Brapp is also his newest word)

Well you can see that it is taken in the new house.... so we are moved in..while we will have a busy weekend getting the house in order before Turkey day next week.

Thanks for stopping in

Tammi ( missing her boys)

4 weeks old...

And she gets cuter every day!!

Yep that is the adorable Baby Anna!! Thanks for the pics! Momma looks great!! Looks like you are having some warm weather in Atlanta.

Happy Birthday Nolan!!

Happy 1st birthday to Nolan!! I wish we could be there to help you celebrate ( I hope your gifts arrive soon)!! We miss you and love you!

Tammi and the boys

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Grandma and Grnadpa admiring Anna

Grandpa and Anna

Daddy and Anna

Well here are some of the pics that I promised of baby Anna and Grandma and Grandpa's visit to meet her. We are of course all jealous as we can't wait to meet her. I am not sure if my email to Lori didn't get to her ( I got some error message) or she has understandably has been adjusting to new mommy hood.
Also if anyone else if wondering why they haven't heard from me via email...give me another chance. I don't have a lot of emails ( they are on my dead computer) so feel free to drop me a line when you have a chance.

Well more updates soon... so much to update on. I know I have been a bad blogger. Things have been insane with us lately.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

He has been cancelled!!

Okay so today when I take the boys into school... I am in Evan's room and Tanner comes looking for me. He says " Mom, Bethany said she cancelled me because I am not as cute as Austin and she isn't going to be my friend anymore." What do you say to that? I assurred him that he is very cute and that whether people think he is cute or not is not an issue. I of course explained to him that if Bethany wants to "cancel" him for any reason there are other friends he can play with. Well, as I was walking out I see him telling Bethany.. "My mom said I am cute and if you don't like me I will find other friends!" That really was more for him then for him to tell Bethany. Either way...the girl drama is beginning! He always picks girls as his friends and they are always revoking thier friendships... boys never seem to do that. Well such is life I suppose. My baby is growing up before my very eyes.
Today is my friday! Last day of my temporary job. First day of the move to the new home! Sunday I am off to Denver for a week of training but not before I work my tail off the next few days.... fun fun fun!
Oh and in an Evan update: Apparently he gives 5 and high 5's all the time! I had no idea but they mentioned it at school that it is his favorite thing... too funny!
Thanks for checking in Tammi and the boys!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

oops she did it again!...

Well looks like Britney has ended another marriage... How sad somebody!! Cause I totally believed that they were happy... ( NOT).

Either way they did pretty good for a Hollywood marriage...but it seems after child #2 K Fed has to RUN!!

Poor Britney...what was she thinking?????????????

Okay this blog will return to normal posts soon!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

He cracks me up!!!

I tell ya' Tanner cracks me up! I have got to tell you what he said last night. I tried sooooo hard not to laugh and I don't want him to talk back but how can you not laugh at the logic of my four year old.

Okay so here is the story: It is after dinner and Tanner has been allowed 2 pieces of Halloween candy. So he eats the two pieces and he is literally bouncing off the walls. Tim is sitting watching TV and I am reading my book...Evan is asleep and Tanner is singing and babbling and literally cannot sit still. Tim looks at him and says "Tanner why do you need to be constantly moving and making noise?" And Tanner responds " Because Dad, I am a kid, that's why" . I about peed my pants I ran out of the room to crack up laughing. Of course he did not even know how "smart" he sounded. Of course I don't want him talking to us like that....but it was still too funny!!!

Okay that is my sharing for today.

I recieved the most adorable pictures of our neice Anna... BUT Shutterfly would not let me post them on the blog... so I might need to see if I can get them sent another way so I can share.

Tammi and the boys

I have my sticker...

I mean come on...that is the best part about voting right??? Just kidding! I really like election day. I feel like a real adult! Like my opinion really counts for something. I did my research this year so hopefully I did my state and my country justice.

Well... this is the craziest couple of weeks coming up for us! We will start our move to the new house on Thursday. This weekend will be spent moving a lot of stuff and trying to get settled in the new house and our current home sold. FUN FUN FUN! Then I am off to Denver for week of training for a new job. Then when I get home the next week is Thanksgiving! We are hoping to have a big feast with family coming in to visit. Well I am sure during this transisition posts with pictures will be hard to come by. But I hope to update soon with lots of good pictures of what is going on with us.

Thanks for checking in on us.

Tammi and the boys

Friday, November 03, 2006

Trying to be an educated voted (PSA)

Boy it is tough being a responsible adult. Last night at dinner I was chatting with the husband about how I want to be a more informed voter. I mean this time of year we just get hammered with these negative ads on both sides of the fence and I really never know where folks stand vs where I stand without a lot of research. So this morning Tim sends me this website.

No matter where you live in the country check it out. It is pretty cool. It allows you to see where you stand vs where your representatives and senators have voted on the issues at hand. I found it extremely informative. The downfall is you don't know where the new folks would stand but you can see if the folks in office are truly on the same page as you.

Just thought I would pass along the info. I know it settled some internal struggles that I was having as a "responsible" voter.

What ever your opinions remember to vote on Tuesday!

God bless America and the democratic process!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

A few more shots

I stole these pics from Kim's blog. But she really got some better pics then I did. Thanks Kim!
Sorry nothing too exciting today. Yesterday we recieved our housing orders and have our move planned for November the 9th. We are doing it ourself.....crazy I know! But with our big Disneylans trip it is hard to turn down the "free" money so fun fun fun!! It is hard to believe that this will be our last weekend in our "first" home. Kinda of bittersweet!
Enjoy your day!
Thanks for stopping!
Tammi and the boys