Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Okay I have a few stories to tell... but I know how you love pictures so I thought I better throw one in. Above is a pic of Evan and Daddy taken at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Nevada.

First a Tanner story. Well Tanner has been a BIG veggie fan especially asparagus ( since I told him it will make him big and strong and able to climb the rock wall if he keeps eating it). Well the other day he found an old pair of shoes that he wanted to wear and I explained to him that they didn't fit. He was upset saying, "Why do we have them then??" Pretty good question I must say... probably because I haven't gotten around to throwing them out and then again with Evan you know...we will just save them for him. Tanner came back with... "Look at Evan's feet they are WAY too small." Another good point. Then he said the best thing... "This is because I ate my asparagus and now my feet are bigger and I can't wear my favorite shoes anymore!! I don't want to eat my asparagus anymore!!!"

This Tanner story is from yesterday and this morning and I know yellow is hard to read but it is so appropriate for this story. Yesterday Tanner was riding his tractor in the yard and said that thier were bees following him. Anyway he came in the house and then he decided that the bees mom probably said, "bees it is time for dinner!" so it was safe to go back out. Then this morning when we were eating breakfast he said "Mom can I ride my tractor today or will the bees be there?" I said I didn't know about the bees.... and he decided. "Mom the bees are not there they are eating thier breakfast with thier mom and they are going to play in thier playroom today. They have a yellow playroom because that is the color thier dad painted it...because they are bees and thier favorite color is yellow. I tell ya the imagination on this kid.

In Evan news...he can now sit up on his own. I only saw him do it once... but I know when he is done napping he will just be sitting up in his crib... I think standing is not to far away. Speaking of Evan he is calling me.

More pics soon... we should get our finished pottery today and if it is not horrible I will post pictures...

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