Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Weekend FUN!

We had a blast at the Dayton Air show. I had never been to an air show before. We had awesome seats by an Air Conditioned tent with drinks and all. We needed the drinks and the AC because it had to be almost 100 degrees and with high humidity it was a scorcher. But we had a great time!

Tanner "flys" the KC-10 ( the plane that Daddy used to work on)

Tim and the boys on the wheels of the KC-10

the boys sitting in our great seats!

The lady skydivers landed right in front of us

The much anticipated... by the boys... F22 Raptor

Tim in front of the plane he wants to build.. he was so excited that they had one there. He has been eyeing this one in his magazines for a long time.
The boys in the back of some plane

Another one by the KC-10 ( seeing this plane was one of the highlights)
KC-10 Again!

We really enjoyed the show on the ground and in the air. These shows must really work because both of my boys want to be "fighter pilots" now.. and they want to fly the F22 Raptor. Tim and I tried to tell them that will be old school by the time they are old enough to fly a plane.

Anyway, it was a fantastic time. Sunday was pretty low key.. it was soo hot we mostly hung out at the house and I made a big Sunday feast!

Thanks for stopping by.

Much love to all!

Tammi and the boys


Anonymous said...

This is a nice blog. I like it!

Sam said...

Looks like you all had a blast, love the pics! The new blog layout is great (and easier on the eyes to read, I'll admit)! :) Miss you!

Bengela said...

i loved the dayton air show too--and don't worry--it was HOT last year too! Did you see the Delta airplane land in the middle of the show?? we saw that on the news and thought it was soo funny!