Thursday, February 16, 2006

A quick Tanner tale....

Well here is a quick funny that I thought that I would share. I am working a temporary position and I am in the building right next to Tanner's we go together in the morning. I have been driving the Mazda or as Tanner calls it "Daddy's race car" . I think it is because we both have such big vehicles he feels like we are going fast in the mazda...that and it is a stick shift.

Okay so yesterday in the snow I decide we should drive the Yukon and not the Mazda. Tanner was sad. Tanner said "Mama can't we take daddy's race car?" I said no hunny in the snow it is safer to take the big car and we can't drive a little car like that. So when we get to school and I get him out of the car and he says" Ooooooo look Mom...they took the little car they didn't take thier big car....they are in trouble" I had to laugh. And explain to him of course that not everyone has big cars... nor are blessed to have the choice of 3 cars.

Anyway I thought it was a funny... and that I would share...


1 comment:

Bethalow said...

That boy is just so darn funny!!!