Sunday, January 14, 2007

More Germany

Germany was sooo much fun!! I can honestly say that it wouldn't have been my #1 choice but we has soooo much fun there. It may have been partly cause of the big beers... hee hee

Here are some blurry shots of the fun:

Silly Tanner with a napkin on his head

Tim and Evan (see BIG beer)

The boys had the best time dancing and carrying on.... here are some more video clips...

Those boys are too silly! Tanner danced with a little brunette and a red head... he was too funny!! Then of course Evan had to go out there and dance him and the girls too.

okay that should buy me a bit of time... :)

1 comment:

Kim and Matt said...

Big beer and German music...what more could a family ask for?? Hee Hee