Monday, January 15, 2007

A day of firsts...

Well I interupt this vacation update to bring you a day of firsts from the Halls..

Well it started this morning BRIGHT and early with Tanner... " Good Morning Mom and Dad... It is Dentist day!!" Yeah Tanner has been soo excited about going to the dentist. He loves the dentist. It is not his first visit... he has been going every 6 months since he has been 2. But this was Evan's first visit. Tanner was excited to go and very excited to be able to be the BIG brother and show Evan how it was done... Here are some pics of the fun..

Look at my teeth :)

Dr. Clark counting Evan's teeth
and doing a flouride treatment

Big Brother showing how it is done

And Then another first!! So, after all the fun of the dentist and thier prizes in hand we headed for another first ICE SKATING!

Here is Evan in his adorable skates. Yeah he was on the ice for a total of 2 seconds.. not even any pics of the event...but I guess it still counts.. kinda.

Now Tanner on the other hand.. he was a trooper really trying to get the hang of it. Here is a pic and a video too. They use the cones to help to learn... ( okay I put that out there cause I didn't know that)

All in all a great day!! It is always nice to have a 3 day weekend!

Thanks for checking in on us!

Tammi and the boys


Kim and Matt said...

Hee Hee....what could be more exciting...teeth and ice skating!?!? :) Matt and I were wondering what those cones did too...then we kind of figured it out by the end of the night. I was actually not even sure they made skates little enough for kiddos Avery and Evan's age...good to know. We'll have to see if Avery likes ice skating soon...especially if we're heading to CA anytime soon. Don't think there are too many skating rinks in CA! HAHA

Keelee said...

Note to Tanner... THE DENIST SUCKS!! I would rather see the OBGYN!!!

Anonymous said...

Is that a SHIRT OF SHAME that Evan is wearing?!? It's good to see pictures of Evan because it gives me a glimpse of how cute Anna is going to be...since they look so much alike!