Thursday, January 25, 2007

Oh Thank Heaven

Okay as we all know.... this blog is dedicated to the center of my world and boys! But something is sure to be said for little girls. I happen to be surrounded by some of the cutest ones without further ado... the girls...

I recieved some pics via email of the girls in our lives and wanted to show them off...

Our neice Anna in the little outfit we sent her...sooo cute!


Kayla ( my friends Jenn's little girl)
Kayla cute!
Kayla in her dress!
Kayla in her "snow gear"
Delaney Grace ( my friends Jaime and John's little girl) she just turned one I can't believe it!

Okay once again apologizes for blog slacking ( Sam) I am sorry! I tried yesterday but Blogger wouldn't have it... more soon! I do have lots to tell...


Thanks for stopping!

Tammi and the boys!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The stars...

Well we hunted down autographs and here are some of the folks that we met along the way ( and some other shots)

Tanner and Pluto

The boys and a dinosaur in Animal Kingdom's Dinoland

Tanner petting the lego Parker dog

Tanner and Evan

Tanner and Chip

Tanner and Goofy

As you may have suspected from the pictures.. Evan was not a fan of the characters AT ALL! But we still got the autographs for the future. I mean it isn't everyday that you get to meet these famous folks in person.

More vacation stuff soon... I feel like I haven't put a dent in all that we saw and did!

Monday, January 15, 2007

A day of firsts...

Well I interupt this vacation update to bring you a day of firsts from the Halls..

Well it started this morning BRIGHT and early with Tanner... " Good Morning Mom and Dad... It is Dentist day!!" Yeah Tanner has been soo excited about going to the dentist. He loves the dentist. It is not his first visit... he has been going every 6 months since he has been 2. But this was Evan's first visit. Tanner was excited to go and very excited to be able to be the BIG brother and show Evan how it was done... Here are some pics of the fun..

Look at my teeth :)

Dr. Clark counting Evan's teeth
and doing a flouride treatment

Big Brother showing how it is done

And Then another first!! So, after all the fun of the dentist and thier prizes in hand we headed for another first ICE SKATING!

Here is Evan in his adorable skates. Yeah he was on the ice for a total of 2 seconds.. not even any pics of the event...but I guess it still counts.. kinda.

Now Tanner on the other hand.. he was a trooper really trying to get the hang of it. Here is a pic and a video too. They use the cones to help to learn... ( okay I put that out there cause I didn't know that)

All in all a great day!! It is always nice to have a 3 day weekend!

Thanks for checking in on us!

Tammi and the boys

Sunday, January 14, 2007

More Germany

Germany was sooo much fun!! I can honestly say that it wouldn't have been my #1 choice but we has soooo much fun there. It may have been partly cause of the big beers... hee hee

Here are some blurry shots of the fun:

Silly Tanner with a napkin on his head

Tim and Evan (see BIG beer)

The boys had the best time dancing and carrying on.... here are some more video clips...

Those boys are too silly! Tanner danced with a little brunette and a red head... he was too funny!! Then of course Evan had to go out there and dance him and the girls too.

okay that should buy me a bit of time... :)

I know I know

Okay I know! I have heard everyone loud and clear!! You all want to hear about our trip and see some pictures. Well!! I did not take as many pics as I would have liked but we had SOOOO much fun!! I cannot wait to go back again. Realistically we will probably wait 5 years so the boys can do every ride and it will be a new adventure. We also will not go the same time of year. It was awesome to see all of the Christmas decorations all over Disney but after Christmas the crowds packed in. Luckily we had already spent 5 days in Disney before it was so crazy that you couldn't move. Anyway, here is a bit about the trip.

December 20th- We arrived on a Wednesday afternoon. Got off the plane. Got our luggage, our rental car and headed to check in. We stayed at the Walt Disney World Dolphin. It was a really nice hotel. Here is a shot.

We could walk to MGM or Epcot. We took buses from out front to the Magic Kingdom, water parks, Animal Kingdom and Downtown Disney. So, convenient was the word! Okay so day one. We headed to some dinner at Downtown Disney. We ate at a place called Fulton's Crab House.... it was sooooo yummy!!!

So after a full tummy and a full day of traveling...we could not resist heading to the Magic Kingdom. So we headed over and spent some time in tomorrowland. Our first Disney ride.... Buzz Lightyear... and even after 100 more it was one of our favorites. So after a long day we deaded back to the hotel for a good night sleep.

But we were up and at 'em bright and early every day.

Day 2 was a whole day spent in the magic kingdom and we headed to Epcot for the night. That night we ate in Germany. We munched on the buffet and Tanner and Evan danced liked crazy to the german music. Here is a little clip :

Day 3 we spent the day at MGM and at night we headed to the Magic Kingdom for Mickey's very Merry Christmas party. There were far less folks in the park and we met Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Evan was not a fan of any of the characters up close and personal but we still got a ton of autographs in our books. The Christmas parade that night alone was worth the price of admission. Evan had the most fun ever at the parade dancing and singing like crazy!!!! Here are some shots of the parade night: Toy story float
Dancing Characters

The dwarfs
Mickey and Minnie

Toy soldiers

The castle

Toy soldier band ( this was too neat)

OK better close this post... it is getting pretty big!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Okay in the spirit of all things Disney....

Here is a pic of the boys in our ears that we had taken tonight. I will say Evan was not one for picture taking so we really did not get any good shots but here is one with ears and one without...

Had to give you all something Disney just for checking in and bearing with me.
Love to all
Tammi and the boys

Family and friends

Well we are blessed to have so many family and friends and we jammed a lot in to two days time. We were hosted at the Sorochen's for an awesome spread of goodies including wonderful rolls ( gosh I miss those yummy kaiser rolls). It was great to see Sherry, Ed and the boys. Then we also were hosted at my brother Jimmy's. There we got to spend time with my brother, cousins, sister-in-laws and friends too. What a great time and of course more yummy food. We were also able to spend some quality time with my neice and nephew including a trip to the toy store to hand pick thier Christmas gifts. It is so hard for Tim and I to be away from the twins. I mean it seems that they were just 3 years old and in our wedding and they are 9! Where has the time went???

We also spent a night out with Donna and Mark for some dinner at a cool little bar/restaurant called Main Street that Donna and I used to frequent.

Oh yeah I also squeezed in a night at a dinner for a cup of "coffee" with Donna and some lunch in Elmer with my friend Melissa and her son. Last but not least I spent some time visiting with my Aunt Shirley and Donna's parents. WOW!! As you can imagine we were exhausted before our vacation even began.

Our time in NJ was short but so sweet and the 4th day of our trip we headed West for more time with Bruce and family. This time we got to meet even more of Bruce's family and had a blast. Next day up at em! Orlando here we come....

Pics to follow...

Okay I am getting to the good stuff... but you have to give me another day to organize.

Here are some pics ( mind you I did not take enough pics of my Jersey time but you get the idea)

My nephew Jimbo ( as we call him) or James as his twin sister calls him ( that makes me laugh)

Tanner, my niece Gabby,Jimbo, Me and Evan

Donna, Mark ( and Tanner and Tim of course) at the Mainstreet Pub.

Thanks for stopping,

Tammi and the boys.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The good ole' east coast!

That is where our trip began. We headed to Denver and woke up EARLY.... like 3:30 am. To make a 7:30 am flight to Philadelphia. We arrived in the city of brotherly love and were greeted by non-other then the long lost Bruce Ludwick and his parents. It was great to catch up with Bruce. I think especially for Tim though I know he loves hanging with Billie Jean and I, I know he was ready for some male bonding too. Bruce's parents Carl and Jane were nice enough to host us that night. So we trekked back to thier house and the eating began. What wonderful food we had. Yum Yum and Yum. Most everything was picked fresh from Carl's garden and canned by Jane. It was so wonderful as was thier hospitality.

Next day it was up early to get the boys accross the bridge to Mama's home state of New Jersey. We were so excited. First stop a WAWA of course. Had to have some fresh Wawa coffee and treats for the boys ( so they can learn to love Wawa as well). That was the first of about 14 Wawa stops we would make in just 4 short days. Ahhh...Wawa how I miss you!!

Well we headed straight to see my new great nephew Brandon be baptised into the church. Here are some pictures of the fun.
Uncle Lardy ( my brother) with the boys
Baby Brandon in his baptism outfit... :) so cute!
Proud Grandparents (my sister-in-law Joan and brother Lardy)
The Godfather Mark ( my nephew) and Mom Nancy ( my niece) watch.

Well this was just the beginning. I wish we could say that we had more time to visit but we had so many people to squeeze in such a short period of time. It went too fast of course. Tim promised me and my family it would not be that long before we made a trip back to see everyone again.

We love you all. More tomorrow. I gotta get some rest.

This blogging this is time consuming ya know!

Tammi and the boys

Monday, January 01, 2007

Home sweet home!!

Well I am sorry to all who counted on the blog being updated through our travels. Turns out internet was not as accessible as we hoped and we were NON-STOP everyday! We had such a wonderful time and have so much to detail and tell you about. I promise to do a breakdown of the trip and the holiday REAL soon....but for now a few pics to hold you over!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!

As always thanks for stopping by and checking in!

Much love,

Tammi and the boys

Micky and Minnie at the parade ( just few minutes before we got thier autographs)
More Christmas parade
Tanner and Evan on the infamous tea cups