Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our little bit turned 4!

We have been going going going.. and I have not taken any time to post have I. I still have a bunch of vacation pictures to catch on, most of which ended up on Tim's computer which is part of my problem....

Anyway, in the meantime.. our little bit turned 4! How did that happen??? On his actually birthday he ended up with 2 ice cream Sundaes at Red Robin (with singing) and one at Ritters... more singing....

The Red Robin Serenade

Ice cream!

The "worms and dirt" his fav!

Since Evan's birthday is so close to that of our nation we had the party a few weeks later... it was a bit of torture...but I think we all agree it was worth the wait...

The post...


Samantha said...

You look fabulous! Sounds like you guys are having a great looks SO GREEN there!!! :)

Bengela said...

i recognize that ice cream place! Love it, love it!!!