Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Presidents Day

Okay so Tanner must have learned about Presidents Day today. I went to his school and he has made a picture of the 2 presidents. I asked him what they were and he explained to me, " This one is George Washington, he was first President that we ever had." I asked who the other one was. " This one is President Abraham Lincoln, he wore a big black hat". So, I asked, "What did Lincoln do? I am fully expect a completely different answer then I recieved which was, "He got shot in the head!"
So, he did go one to explain to me that President Lincoln was shot like Martin Luther King. Oh the story of Martin Luther King was hysterical as well.... It is funny the things that he picks up on.. and what he tells us vs what the teachers have told him.
He is really a little sponge. This is a fun age!! We are hoping to have some fun adventures in this coming 3 day weekend... Thanks to the Presidents!!! :)
We will keep you all posted!!!
Thanks for stopping!!
Tammi and the boys!


Anonymous said...

I'll have you know I am taking a break from the basket auction chaos to read your super cute blog! I love your kids and their funny stories! :)

Kim and Matt said...

Tanner, you crack me up! I'm so glad you are learning so much in school. :)

thomas ping said...

lovly kids~~