Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Take 2!

We are trying once again... with the crib as a toddler bed. The thing is he was so trying to climb out we knew it was just a matter of time. We had no choice for his safety! So far so good ( knock wood) this is day 2 and for the past 2 nights he has not escaped from his crib yet!

We will keep you posted on what else soon. Times have been busy round here!

Much love,

Tammi and the boys!


Sam said...

I'm it a daybed now? are worrying me, I am afraid this will happen to Nolan while Bri's away.
Either way that Evan is a cutie patutie!!!

Kim and Matt said...

Cool! Way to go Ov. Hopefully you will stay in your neat little bed and not wake up mommy and daddy in the middle of the night. :)